Let Takecare Of Your Vital Organs With Double Care.

Urologist : A urologist is a medical doctor specializing in conditions that affect the urinary tract in men, women and children, and diseases that affect the reproductive system. These conditions range from peeing too much or too little to being unable to father a child. Urologists are best trained to treat any condition involving the urinary tract and the male reproductive system. Other healthcare professionals may be involved in your care-a urologist may work with an oncologist to treat prostate cancer, or with a gynecologist to treat pelvic pain in women. Initial Examination by Urologist: The doctor will perform a male genitourinary exam during your first appointment. That is a complete examination of the urinary tract region. The physician will perform a genital exam and a digital rectal exam to explore the prostate and the urologist may evaluate other areas as well. When to visit Urologist immediately : Lower Urinary Tract Obstru...