Get the Rheumatologist consultation and treat your arthritis soon via EngaDoctor

Enga Doctor is the online consultation platform to connect directly with doctors regarding the health issues. Basically, the rise in online consultation began when people became too busy to visit doctors physically, and this Online trend has grown in the last few years because of the pandemic. Enga Doctor offers a lot of benefits via Online Doctor consultations to patients. Rheumatologist: A rheumatologist is a specialist who diagnoses and treats arthritis and other immune-related diseases and conditions. When you need immediate consultation from Rheumatologist: You are recommended to visit rheumatologist if you have chronic joint or musculoskeletal pain that does not go away on its own or reoccurs frequently after short-term treatment. Here, Your primary care physician may refer you to a rheumatologist, who will work with you on your treatment and healing. The main symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are joint pain, swelling and stif...