Kidney stones occur when your urine holds more crystal-forming chemicals — such as calcium, oxalate, and uric acid — than the liquid in your urine can dissolve. They can be as small as a tiny speck or as huge as a boulder and come in a variety of sizes. The size of a kidney stone doesn't often correlate with the intensity of a person's symptoms. Symptoms and early warning indicators Kidney stones come in a variety of sizes. Smaller stones are less likely to get stuck in the kidneys or any other part of the urinary system. Symptoms ranging from mild to intense may occur during the passage of a tiny stone, while many people cross stones painlessly. Larger stones can cause discomfort, bleed, irritation, and infection, among other things. On the other extreme, these signs may not develop till the stone has started to move along the urinary tract. Some initial indications and signs that a kidney stone is traveling through the urinary tract are included below. Pressure or pain in t...